Private Psychiatrist | Consultant Psychiatrist | ADHD Psychiatrist
Dr Iqbal Mohiuddin

My Professional Registration and Regulation
I am fully registered with the General Medical Council (GMC) in the UK with a licence to practice since 1999 and on the GMC Specialist Register for General Psychiatry since 2013 (GMC number 4579557). I am subject to medical revalidation every 5 years with the GMC and I have annual appraisals with my CQC-registered NHS trust employer.
I have been a Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (MRCPsych) since 2009. I undertake at least 50 hours of continuous professional development (CPD) annually to maintain and develop my professional and clinical knowledge and skills. I am indemnified for NHS and private medical practice.
My Background, Training, Skills, and Experience
I have been a British medical doctor and NHS psychiatrist for over 25 years and a private Consultant Psychiatrist for over 16 years. I practise evidence-based medicine and psychiatry. As an Online Psychiatrist, I have assessed and treated many more private patients throughout the UK via Online Video consultation.
Born, bred, and educated in London, I graduated from University College London (UCL) Medical School in 1999. Since 2000, I have trained and worked full-time as an NHS psychiatrist in Luton and Bedfordshire. I have worked part-time for East London NHS Foundation Trust (rated Outstanding by the CQC) since 2016. I have worked as a Consultant Psychiatrist (General Adult Psychiatry) and Psychotherapist since 2008. I have been successfully treating private patients since 2007.
I have extensive experience in assessing and providing evidence-based treatment for adult patients suffering from Adult ADHD, Addictions, Anxiety, Bipolar disorder, Depression, Psychosis, PTSD and OCD. I have special interests as an Adult ADHD Psychiatrist, Addiction Psychiatrist, and Psychotherapist having completed further specialist training in Adult ADHD assessment, diagnosis and management, Management of Drug Misuse, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), and Human Givens Therapy. Appreciating the mind-body link, I effectively use mental health therapy and medication only when needed in combination for the safe and timely recovery of my patients. I am experienced in preparing GP reports and independent Expert Psychiatric Reports for the Courts, Solicitors, Occupational Health departments, private companies and private patients.
Whilst English is my first language, I can also speak and understand Bangla (Standard Bengali).
My Publications & Media
I contributed to this health article on alcohol published in the Daily Mail Online Health on 10th August 2017: "Are YOU drinking too much? Answer these 10 questions to find out: Experts reveal the classic warning signs you've become dependent on booze".
I was involved in the BBC Northern Ireland documentary "Life and Death on Heroin" broadcast in March 2019, which looked at the horrors of heroin addiction, its successful acute treatment, and long-term recovery.
I was a co-author of the following published research article in 2021:
"The Role of Religiosity in Depression and Anxiety among Muslim Students in the UK: A Whole-Person Approach to Teaching and Learning", Zobeda Abdullah, Samantha Banbury, Amanda Visick, Iqbal Mohiuddin; Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies; Indiana University Press; Volume 6, Number 1, May 2021; pp. 84-101.
My Voluntary Roles
I am the clinical consultant supervisor for the charity Reclaim Life in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. They provide five free life coaching sessions based on the Human Givens approach to recovery. All life coaches are volunteers receiving training and monthly supervision with my guidance and support since 2014.
My Memberships
I am a member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists (RCPsych), Human Givens Institute (HGI), British Medical Association (BMA), British Neuro-Psychiatric Association (BNPA), The Medical Council on Alcohol (MCA), and Medical Cannabis Clinicians Society (MCCS).
Recognised Health Care Provider
I am recognised by CIGNA, PruHealth, and the Western Provident Association (WPA) as a private healthcare provider. Please discuss with your insurance provider about private referral and treatment with us, which we would be happy to support.
The majority of our private patients are self-referring and self-funding.
See My Professional Qualifications
Contact our team for a private psychiatric assessment or Adult ADHD assessment today.