My Professional Qualifications

1995: BSc (Hons) - Bachelor of Neuroscience with Basic Medical Sciences, UCL, UK.
1999: MBBS - Bachelor of Medicine & Surgery, UCL Medical School, UK.
2006: HGDip - Human Givens Therapy Diploma (Distinction), Human Givens College, UK.
2006: GHGI - Graduate Member of the Human Givens Institute, UK.
2008: DipCBT - Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (Distinction), Open College, UK.
2009: MRCPsych - Member of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, UK.
2004: Section 12(2) Approved Doctor, Mental Health Act 1983, England & Wales.
2009: Approved Clinician (AC) status, Mental Health Act 1983, England & Wales.
2011: Personality Disorder Knowledge & Understanding Framework Awareness Level Certificate, Institute of Mental Health, UK.
2011: PGCME - Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education, Cardiff University, UK.
2013: CESR - Certificate of Eligibility for Specialist Registration in General Psychiatry, GMC, UK.
2017: Diagnosis, Assessment & Pharmacological Treatment of Adults with ADHD accreditation courses - UK Adult ADHD Network (UKAAN), Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King's College London, UK.
2017: Certificate in the Management of Drug Misuse, Royal College of GPs, UK.
2021: Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders (DISCO) accredited user, National Autistic Society, UK.